Why We Work So Hard
This is the most rewarding part of volunteering with Kickstand. Click on any photo for a larger view.
Beardsley Community Farm
Kids and bikes with the Beardsley Community Farm crew. Today we got a bike for the littlest girl in the middle. She is gonna be so happy to ride with her big sisters.
Boys and Girls Club
These three kids from Boys & Girls Clubs got bikes Thursday. Thanks to Paul, Don, and all for making these events happen.
Bridge Refugee Services
These Folks are from Burundi sponsored by Bridge Refugee Services . We are glad to welcome them to the US with some bicycles.
Vestal Boys and Girls Club
On this beautiful afternoon the Vestal Boys and Girls Club brought 5 kids to get helmets and bikes. Jeff and Paul had a good time. If you want to help us with programs like this we can always use more volunteers.