What We Do
KickStand Bicycle Collective is an all-volunteer initiative to put
bicycles on the streets of Knoxville and surrounding area by operating
community bike shops, teaching bike mechanics, maintenance, and safe
practice. KBC acts to connect community members to local bike advocacy
groups. KBC primarily
serves those who have limited resources and
may not have access to other forms of transport. The Collective
practices reuse of resources and recycling of materials in all
practical ways.

The bike council meets once a month to dicuss Kickstand business and to plan for the future of Kickstand.

Many of the donated bikes need repairs, so a significant part of Kickstand's work is inspecting and repairing bicycles.

Volunteer Training
New volunteers work with more experienced volunteers to learn basic bike mechanics or to improve their skills.

Build a Bike
The build a bike propram allows program participants to earn a bike by contributing volunteer hours.

Kickstand promotes cycling by participating in a wide variety of community events.